Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Vela Charters Caribe

Cartas de vela do Caribe não são todos concebidos para aqueles com experiência de vela. Se você quiser fretar o barco ou iate em seu próprio país, você terá a prova de que você pode segurar o barco. Você não precisa necessariamente ter uma licença, porque muitas empresas em conta anos de experiência na vela como melhor do que ter um certificado.  

Você pode reservar um charter navegando apenas para o relaxamento da vela. Há também cartas de vela Caribe que vai ensinar tudo que você precisa saber sobre a vela. 

Quando você decide fazer aulas de vela através de uma das cartas veleiro Caribe, você vai ter uma experiência como capitão de seu instrutor. Estas aulas são destinadas para toda a família, para que na próxima vez que você quiser desfrutar de cartas vela Caribe, pode apanhar o barco em seu próprio país. Quando você usa esta oportunidade para aprender sobre vela, que irá levá-lo apenas uma semana para concluir o curso básico. Se você deseja alugar um veleiro no Caribe para aulas de vela você tem a fazer em um veleiro de casco simples. Essas lições não estão disponíveis aqui para catamarãs. 

Quando um livro das Cartas de vela Caribe você vai querer saber o que é eo que não é incluído com a sua reserva. Todos os lençóis da cama, toalhas e utensílios de cozinha é tarifa padrão no casco dos barcos. Você também terá um telefone barco VHF, um guia de cruzeiro no Caribe e todas as cartas que você precisa para navegar nessas águas. Os equipamentos básicos de navegação, tais como binóculos, equipamento de segurança e kit de primeiros socorros, também está incluído nas cartas veleiro Caribe. Você vai ter um tanque cheio de combustível e água e você é esperado para retornar o veleiro com os tanques recondicionados.
Algumas das cartas de navegação Caribe, que incluem equipamentos para mergulho livre e mergulho com a carta. Outros exigem que você alugar este equipamento, se você precisar dele. Você deve verificar se as companhias charter veleiro diferentes que oferecem charters para o Caribe para ver qual deles tem todo o equipamento que você precisa para suas férias.  

Se você escolher um Charter, você terá que fornecer seu próprio alimento e se você quiser um capitão, você também tem de fornecer refeições do capitão. No veleiro de luxo charters do Caribe, toda a comida e bebida está incluída no preço, bem como o custo de contratação da tripulação. 

Cartas de vela Caribe oferecer-lhe a oportunidade de ver o Caribe em seu próprio ritmo. Você define o trajeto e passar o tempo que quiser em um só lugar. Ir à praia para fazer compras em mercados e levar a cultura singular de cada uma das ilhas do Caribe. Uma vez que você reservar um charter vela Caribe, será tão encantado que você vai sonhar com o dia em que você pode tomar um outro.

Cartas de Navegación Caribe

cartas de navegación del Caribe no están diseñados para aquellas personas con experiencia en vela. Si desea alquilar el velero o yate por su cuenta, tendrá que presentar pruebas de que usted puede manejar el barco. No necesariamente tienen que tener una licencia, porque muchas empresas lo que se refiere años de experiencia en la navegación como mejor que tener un certificado. Puedes reservar un charter de vela sólo por la relajación de la vela. También hay cartas de navegación del Caribe que le enseñará todo lo que necesitas saber sobre navegación. 

Cuando usted decide tomar clases de navegación a través de una de las cartas velero Caribe, usted tendrá una experiencia como capitán de su instructor. Estas lecciones están diseñadas para toda la familia para que la próxima vez que quieran disfrutar de las cartas del Caribe de vela se puede tomar el barco de vela por su cuenta. Cuando se utiliza esta oportunidad para aprender sobre la navegación, que le llevará tan sólo una semana para completar el curso básico. Si desea alquilar un velero en el Caribe para cursos de vela que tiene que hacer en un velero de casco único. Estas lecciones no están disponibles aquí para catamaranes. 

Cuando un libro de las cartas de navegación del Caribe que va a querer saber lo que es y lo que no está incluido con su reserva. Todos los de la ropa de cama, toallas y menaje de cocina es la tarifa estándar de los veleros sin tripulación.  

También tiene un teléfono barco VHF, una guía de crucero del Caribe y todas las cartas que usted necesita para la navegación en estas aguas. Los equipos de navegación básica, tales como prismáticos, equipo de seguridad y botiquín de primeros auxilios, también se incluye en las cartas velero Caribe. Usted recibirá un tanque lleno de combustible y agua y se espera que usted devuelva el velero con los depósitos de rellenado.
Algunas de las cartas de navegación del Caribe incluyen equipo de snorkel y buceo con la Carta. Otros requieren que usted alquile este equipo si lo necesita. Usted debe comprobar fuera de las empresas velero charter que ofrecen diferentes cartas al Caribe para ver cuál tiene todo el equipamiento que usted necesita para sus vacaciones. Si usted elige una carta a casco desnudo, se le tiene que proveer su propia comida y si quieres un capitán, que también tienen que suministrar comida del capitán.  

En las cartas velero de lujo del Caribe, toda la comida y la bebida está incluida en el precio, así como el costo de contratar a la tripulación. 

cartas de navegación del Caribe que ofrecen la oportunidad de ver el Caribe a su propio ritmo. Puede establecer el itinerario y pasar todo el tiempo que quieras en un solo lugar. Bajar a tierra para hacer compras en los mercados y disfrutar de la cultura única de cada una de las islas del Caribe. Una vez que usted reserva una carta navegante del Caribe, que será tan encantado que a soñar con el día en que usted puede tomar otro.

Viva Las Vegas

Las Vegas, Nevada, es realmente un logro notable si se piensa en ello. Esta ubicación fabulosas vacaciones se creó, literalmente, nada fuera de derecho de la mitad del desierto. Sin embargo, se ha convertido en un lugar tan notorio cuya reputación para la diversión y el entusiasmo es legendario. 

Decir que no es un sitio histórico, sería un error. Muchos de nuestros grandes iconos culturales tenido momentos importantes en Las Vegas. Y algunas películas realmente grandes se filmaron con Las Vegas como telón de fondo. Tenga en cuenta la emocionante canción se utilizó para el título de este artículo, Viva Las Vegas. Elvis Presley, una de las grandes figuras de la cultura popular, amado esta ciudad y exaltó la emoción que se puede encontrar allí, en la canción.  

Muchas películas y demás estrellas de la música hecha en Las Vegas el sitio de algunos de sus mejores actuaciones. Uno de esos momentos de entretenimiento sorprendente fue cuando Frank Sinatra y éxito "rat pack" hizo la maravillosa película Oceans Eleven en Last Vegas, una película que ha generado toda una serie de películas en los tiempos modernos mirando George Clooney, Brad Pitt y una gran cantidad de otros grandes estrellas. 

Decir que las grandes estrellas son muy comunes en Las Vegas sería un eufemismo. Y si estamos en busca de grandes sitios para ver, la disponibilidad de la muestra de algunos de los más brillantes y lo mejor de Hollywood, Rock and Roll y Broadway están disponibles en Las Vegas. A precios muy razonables, puede tomar tiempo fuera de su horario torbellino de diversión y emoción de ver algunas de las mejores actuaciones que tendrá que ver a la derecha hay en los casinos a lo largo de la franja de Las Vegas. 

Las Vegas se ha convertido en sinónimo de vida rápido y "adulto" tipo de entretenimiento. Es un lugar excepcional para una luna de miel o que poco a salirse con su cónyuge, siempre que es posible que desee disfrutar de unos crecido entretenimiento sin los más pequeños a lo largo. No se sienta culpable de hacer las maletas a los niños a casa de la abuela y lo tratan a usted ya su esposa a un divertido pocos días llenos de acción en el casino, habitaciones de lujo, buena comida y una vida nocturna que no puede ser vencido. Este es el tipo de emoción crecido que Las Vegas es conocida y que se merece la diversión que usted tendrá en esta ciudad que algunos han llamado en broma, "Sin City". 

Esto no quiere decir que su estancia en Las Vegas no será divertido, o que usted tiene que salir de la casa los niños. Hay mucho que hacer, incluso si es sólo descansar en la piscina y relajarse en el jacuzzi. Los casinos saben que muchos de nosotros queremos a nuestras familias a disfrutar de las vacaciones tanto como lo hacemos no es suficiente para los niños a hacer y cosas que puede hacer como una familia unida. Algunos de los espectáculos como el circo y los animales increíbles actos puede asombrar y entretener a jóvenes y viejos por igual. 

También puede tomar un día y conseguir un recorrido por esta maravillosa ciudad y algunas de las atracciones de los alrededores. El propio desierto puede ser de gran interés para los niños y tal vez la mamá y el papá también, si nunca has visitado este tipo de entorno natural. Hay un montón de excursiones a sitios de los alrededores, pero uno de los más agradable no es un tour de la presa Hoover lejos de la ciudad. Usted puede ver una de las maravillas de la ingeniería moderna en la forma en esta presa se utiliza para crear la energía y el control del poderoso Río Colorado. 

Las Vegas es uno de los tantos grandes de turismo y sitios de vacaciones que están disponibles en este país de la diversidad tan rica. Si los adultos disfrutar de algunos juegos de azar, los casinos ofrecen muchos juegos y diversiones para que te de la diversión. Y no es cierto que siempre se pierde o salir de allí un mendigo. Es perfectamente posible tener una gran diversión en las mesas de Las Vegas y aún tiene su presupuesto para viajes de vacaciones en buena forma. Y quién sabe, puede ganar una ronda de Negro Jack y ser capaz de tratar a la familia a una cena de carne de sus ganancias.

Viva Las Vegas

Las Vegas, Nevada é realmente um feito notável, se você pensar sobre isso. Esta localização fabulosa viagem de férias foi, literalmente, criado a partir de fora nada direito do meio do deserto. Mas se tornou um lugar tão famoso, cuja fama de diversão e emoção é lendária.

Dizer não é um local histórico seria um erro. Muitos dos nossos grandes ícones culturais teve momentos importantes em Las Vegas. E alguns filmes realmente grandes foram filmados com Las Vegas como pano de fundo. Considere a música empolgante que nós usamos para o título deste artigo, Viva Las Vegas.  

Elvis Presley, uma das grandes figuras da cultura pop, amava esta cidade e exaltou a emoção que ali se encontravam na música. Muitos outros grandes filmes e astros da música feita em Las Vegas, o site de algumas das suas melhores interpretações. Um momento de entretenimento, impressionante foi quando Frank Sinatra e hit "rat pack" fez o filme maravilhoso Oceans Eleven em Las Vegas passado, um filme que gerou toda uma série de filmes nos tempos modernos olhando George Clooney, Brad Pitt e uma série de outras grandes estrelas.
Para dizer que as grandes estrelas são comuns em Las Vegas seria um eufemismo. E se estamos à procura de grandes sites para ver, a disponibilidade de shows de alguns dos mais brilhantes e os melhores de Hollywood, Rock and Roll e da Broadway estão todos disponíveis em Las Vegas.  

Por preços muito razoáveis, você pode levar muito tempo longe de sua agenda turbilhão de diversão e emoção de ver algumas das melhores performances que você nunca vai ver ali nos casinos ao longo da tira de Las Vegas.
Las Vegas também se tornou sinônimo de vida fácil e "adultas" de entretenimento tipo. É um local excelente para uma lua de mel ou de que pouco fugir com sua esposa, onde você pode querer desfrutar de entretenimento cresceu sem os pequeninos junto.  

Não se sinta culpado como você arrumar as crianças para a casa da avó e mexe, você e sua esposa para um divertido poucos dias cheios de acção de casino, salas de luxo, boa comida e uma vida nocturna que não pode ser batida. Este é o tipo de emoção cresceu que Las Vegas é conhecido e que merece o divertimento que você terá nesta cidade que alguns chamam de brincadeira, "Sin City".
Isso não quer dizer que a sua estadia em Las Vegas não vai ser divertido ou que você tem que deixar os miúdos para casa. Há muito o que fazer mesmo que seja apenas lounging ao redor da piscina e relaxar no jacuzzi. Os casinos sei que muitos de nós queremos as nossas famílias para desfrutar de férias tanto como nós fazemos isso há muito para as crianças a fazer e coisas que você pode fazer como uma família unida. Alguns dos programas como o animal incrível e circo atos podem surpreender e entreter jovens e velhos.

Você também pode ter um dia e fazer um passeio desta cidade maravilhosa e algumas das atracções. O deserto pode ser de grande interesse para as crianças e, talvez, a mãe eo pai também se você nunca visitou esse tipo de ambiente natural. Existem muitas excursões a sítios ao redor, mas um dos mais agradável não é um passeio pela represa Hoover longe da cidade. Você pode ver uma das maravilhas da engenharia moderna na forma como esta represa é usada para gerar energia e controlar o poderoso rio Colorado.

Las Vegas é apenas um de tantos excelentes paisagens e locais de férias que estão disponíveis neste país de rica diversidade desse tipo. Se os adultos desfrutar de alguns jogos, os casinos oferecem muitos jogos e diversões de entretenimento para dar-lhe esse divertimento. E isso não é verdade que você sempre vai perder ou sair de lá pobre. É perfeitamente possível se divertem nas mesas de Las Vegas e ainda ter o seu orçamento de viagens de férias em boa forma. E quem sabe, você pode ganhar uma partida de Black Jack e ser capaz de tratar a família para um jantar de bife de seus ganhos.

Laguna Beach, Califórnia

Perfeitamente situado a meio caminho entre Los Angeles e San Diego, no sul de Orange County, Laguna Beach é uma semana de férias popular no sul da Califórnia. Oferta de sete quilômetros de litoral com praias de areia e palmeiras, Laguna Beach é o refúgio perfeito das férias de praia. 

Existem 30 praias e enseadas que os visitantes podem explorar a pé ou de caiaque. As atividades aqui incluem vela, observação de aves, vôlei de praia, surf, e até mesmo mergulho. 

O Laguna Beach também gosta de clima quente o ano com uma alta média de 69 graus em janeiro e 77 graus em julho. As actividades mais populares para o ar livre aqui incluem piqueniques românticos, caminhadas, ciclismo, ténis, golfe, passeios e até mesmo jardim botânico. 

Laguna Beach é também o lar de uma comunidade artística activa com cerca de 100 galerias que mostrar peças de arte de artistas locais e internacionais. Há muitos festivais aqui no verão, algumas das quais são conhecidas em todo o mundo. 

Para quem gosta de compras, Laguna Beach oferece uma grande variedade de lojas exclusivas que vendem jóias artesanais, antiguidades, e outras coisas que você não encontrará em nenhum outro lugar.
Com a volta perfeita tempo do ano, Laguna Beach, na Califórnia, oferece-lhe a localização perfeita para suas férias de praia. As crianças gostam de brincar na areia, em uma das diversas praias, enquanto os pais desfrutar de banhos de sol e as vistas que Laguna Beach é muito bem conhecido. 

Se você já pensou em tirar umas férias de praia, em um futuro próximo, Laguna Beach é perfeito. Há vários hotéis para você escolher, muitos dos quais oferecem descontos durante o ano, dependendo de quando você visita. Há sempre algo para todos aqui, mesmo se sua família é difícil de agradar.

Laguna Beach, California

Perfectamente situado a medio camino entre Los Ángeles y San Diego en el sur del Condado de Orange, Laguna Beach es una vacación de fin de semana en el sur de California. Ofreciendo a siete kilómetros de costa con playas de arena y palmeras, Laguna Beach es la escapada de vacaciones en la playa perfecta.

Hay 30 playas y calas que los visitantes pueden explorar a pie o en kayak. Las actividades incluidas vela, observación de aves, voley playa, surf, e incluso el buceo.

El Laguna Beach también disfruta de todo el año el clima cálido con una media alta de 69 grados en enero y 77 grados en julio. Las actividades más populares para el aire libre aquí incluyen un picnic romántico, senderismo, ciclismo, tenis, golf, y de los jardines botánicos, incluso.

Laguna Beach es también el hogar de una comunidad de artistas activos con casi 100 galerías que mostrar piezas de arte de artistas locales e internacionales. Hay muchos festivales en el verano, algunos de los cuales son conocidos en todo el mundo.

Para aquellos que disfrutan de ir de compras, Laguna Beach ofrece una amplia selección de tiendas exclusivas que venden joyas hechas a mano, antigüedades, y otras cosas que usted no encontrará en ningún otro lugar.

Con el tiempo todo el año perfecto, Laguna Beach en California le ofrece el lugar perfecto para sus vacaciones en la playa. Los niños disfrutan jugando en la arena en una de las varias playas, mientras los padres disfrutan de tomar el sol y disfrutar de las vistas que Laguna Beach es muy bien conocido.

Si has pensado en tomar unas vacaciones de playa en un futuro próximo, Laguna Beach es perfecto. Hay varios hoteles para que usted pueda elegir, muchas de las cuales ofrecen descuentos durante el año, dependiendo del momento en que visita. Hay algo para todos aquí, incluso si su familia es difícil de complacer.

Vacaciones en la playa de Waikiki

Situado en la soleada isla hawaiana de Oahu, Waikiki Beach es una de las playas más famosas y conocidas en todo el mundo, con hoteles de lujo y clubes de playa, situada en la playa. La famosa avenida Kalakaua, que corre paralela a la playa, le ofrece un paraíso para los compradores con excelentes restaurantes y entretenimiento nocturno.
Waikiki Beach es también conocida por su suave oleaje, ideales para los surfistas principiantes. Usted puede alquilar surboards y equipo en la playa, incluso tomar clases si usted nunca ha navegado antes.
paseos en catamarán y de Diamond Head también son ofrecidos por varias compañías, así, salen con diferentes tiempos. Otras actividades en sus vacaciones incluyen kayak, natación, canoa y piragüismo.
Hay varios restaurantes situados a la derecha en la playa de Waikiki, como Canoa Duke's Club y thesurf habitaciones. Cuando la noche se establece, se puede disfrutar de una cena romántica mientras ve la puesta de sol sobre la bella y sorprendente Océano Pacífico.
Waikiki Beach hoteles
Medida que se desplaza a lo largo de la playa del oeste al este, en principio, Diamond Head, te encontrarás con varios hoteles de primera clase como el Hilton Hawaiian Village, Sheraton Waikiki, Hawai Outrigger, el Hotel Royal Hawaiian, y varios otros.
La diferencia de Waikiki
Si bien hay varios otros lugares para sus vacaciones de playa, pocos logran captar la belleza y la tranquilidad que ofrece Waikiki. Hawai ha sido durante mucho tiempo conocida por un paraíso tropical, con Maui es un excelente ejemplo. Hawai ofrece varias playas, con Waikiki es uno de los mejores.
Si usted ha estado buscando el lugar ideal para sus vacaciones en la playa, no debe dudar en ir a Waikiki. Usted puede encontrar descuentos en habitaciones de hotel en diferentes momentos del año, por lo que es la oportunidad perfecta para comprobar todo lo que Hawai se proporcionará a usted ya su familia.

Waikiki Beach

Localizado na ensolaradas ilha havaiana de Oahu, Waikiki Beach é uma das praias mais famosas e conhecidas em todo o mundo, com hotéis de luxo e clubes de praia situado na praia. O famoso Kalakaua Avenue, que corre paralelo à praia, oferece-lhe um paraíso para os compradores de restaurantes e entretenimento nocturno. 

Waikiki Beach é também conhecida pelas suas ondas suaves que são ideais para os surfistas iniciantes. Você pode alugar surboards e artes na praia, até tomar lições que você nunca tenha surfado antes.
passeios de catamarã para e Diamond Head também são oferecidos por diversas empresas, bem como, com a partida várias ocasiões. Outras atividades em suas férias incluem canoagem, natação, canoagem e canoa. 


Existem vários restaurantes localizado na praia de Waikiki, como o Duke's Canoe Club e thesurf quarto. Quando a noite entra em cena, você pode desfrutar de um romântico jantar enquanto vê o pôr do sol sobre a bela e maravilhosa do Oceano Pacífico. 

hotéis Waikiki Beach 

À medida que viaja ao longo da praia de oeste para leste, em início Diamond Head, você encontrará vários hotéis de primeira classe, como Hilton Hawaiian Village, Sheraton Waikiki, Hawai Outrigger, o Royal Hawaiian Hotel, e vários outros. 

A diferença Waikiki 

Apesar de existirem vários outros pontos para suas férias de praia, poucos conseguem captar a beleza e tranquilidade que oferece Waikiki. Havaí tem sido desde há muito conhecida por um paraíso tropical, com Maui sendo um excelente exemplo. Havaí oferece várias praias, com Waikiki sendo um dos melhores.
Se você estiver procurando o lugar ideal para as suas férias na praia, você não deve hesitar em ir para Waikiki. Você pode encontrar descontos em hotéis em diferentes épocas do ano, tornando-a perfeita oportunidade de verificar tudo Havaí darão a você e sua família.

Waikiki Beach Vacation

Located on the sun drenched Hawaiian Island of Oahu, Waikiki Beach is one of the most famous and well known beaches in the entire world, with luxurious hotels and beach clubs set right on the beach.  The famous Kalakaua Avenue, which runs parallel to the beach, offers you a shoppers paradise with fine restaurants and nightly entertainment.

Waikiki Beach is also known for its gentle waves which are ideal for beginner surfers.  You can rent surboards and gear on the beach, even take lessons if you have never surfed before.

Catamaran rides to and from Diamond Head are also offered by several different companies as well,with depart times varying.  Other activities on your vacation include kayaking, swimming, and outrigger canoeing.


There are several restaurants located right on Waikiki Beach, such as Duke's Canoe Club and theSurf Room.  When the evening sets in, you can enjoy a romantic dinner while you watch the sun set over the beautiful and amazing Pacific Ocean.

Waikiki Beach hotels

As you travel along the beach from west to east beginning in Diamond Head, you'll encounter several first class hotels such as Hilton Hawaiian Village, Sheraton Waikiki, Outrigger Hawai, the Royal Hawaiian Hotel, and several others.

The Waikiki difference

While there are several other spots for your beach vacation, few manage to capture the beauty and tranquility that Waikiki offers.  Hawaii has long been known for a tropical paradise, with Maui being an excellent example.  Hawaii offers several beaches, with Waikiki being one of the best.

If you've been looking for the ideal place for your beach vacation, you shouldn't hesitate to go to Waikiki.  You can find discounts on hotel rooms at different times of the year, making it the perfect opportunity to check out everything Hawaii will provide you and your family with.
Maui Beaches

The island of Maui is home to some of the most amazing beaches.  Some beaches offer swimming all year round, while others are best for surfing or snorkeling during certain times of the year.  Depending on where you choose to stay, there are always some famous beaches nearby.

West Maui beaches

If you drive along the west coast of Maui from Lahaina to Kapalua, you'll see many breathtaking beaches along the coast.    Kaanapali Beach will offer you over three miles of white sand with a variety of watersports, including surfing, sailboating, and even catamaran rides. On the north end of the beach is Black Rock, which is well known for snorkeling.

Visitors like the sandy beach at Napili Bay, because there are no high rise buildings around, and the bay is protected well from waves.  The Kapalua Resort in west Maui is home to Kapalua Beach, Oneloa Bay Beach, and the D.T. Fleming Beach.

South Maui Beaches

The rule with Hawaii and Maui is that the further south you travel, the less crowded the beaches will be. Kihei offers you a series of beaches along the six mile coastline, some even offering lifeguards, restrooms, and picnic areas.  Polo Beach and Wailea Beach offer both restrooms and equipment
rentals.  Or, if you prefer a more secluded beach, you should visit Maluaka Beach at the Maui Prince Hotel - where you may even encounter some green sea turtles.

A few miles past the Maui Prince Hotel is the Big Beach of Makena, which is one of the best beaches on Maui.  As the name implies, the beach is quite large, and best of all - empty.  It offers white sand, picnic facilities, and even restrooms.

East Maui Beaches

The beaches of East Maui are unlike others in Hawaii.  Surround by lush scenery, the beaches are secluded, scenic, and very colorful. 

Hamoa Beach is a must visit if you plan to visit East Maui.  As you approach the beach from the main road, you'll walk past colorful plants and palm trees surrounding Hamoa Beach.  Just off Hana Highway is Hana Bay Beach, which offers black volcanic sand.

The Red Sand Beach is difficult to get to, you'll need to find a narrow path along the coast.  The beach offers plenty of swimming and snorkeling, and you should be the only one there - which is great for those looking for privacy.  Even though it is hard to get to, Red Sand Beach is truly one
of a kind.

Laguna Beach, California

Perfectly situated midway between Los Angeles and San Diego in southern Orange County, Laguna Beach is a popular weekend vacation in Southern California.  Offering seven miles of coastline with sandy beaches and palm trees, Laguna Beach is the perfect beach vacation getaway.

There are 30 beaches and coves that visitors can explore either on foot or by kayak.  The activities here include sailing, bird watching, beach volleyball, surfing, and even scuba diving.

The Laguna Beach also enjoys warm weather year round with an average high of 69 degrees in January and 77 degrees in July.  Popular activities for the outdoors here include romantic picnics, hiking, cycling, tennis, golf, and even botanical garden tours.

Laguna Beach is also home to an active artist community with almost 100 galleries that showcase art pieces by local and international artists.  There are many festivals here in the summer, some of which are known around the world.

For those who enjoy shopping, Laguna Beach offers a wide selection of unique shops that sell hand crafted jewelry, antiques, and other things that you won't find anywhere else.

With the perfect weather year round, Laguna Beach in California offers you the perfect location for your beach vacation.  Kids enjoy playing in the sand at one of the several beaches, while parents enjoy sun bathing and taking in the views that Laguna Beach is very well known for.

If you've thought about taking a beach vacation in the near future, Laguna Beach is perfect.  There are several hotels for you to choose from, many of which offer discounts during the year, depending on when you visit.  There's something for everyone here, even if your family is hard to please.

Cocoa Beach Florida

Knowns as the perfect beach town, Cocoa Beach is an hour drive east of Orlando on Florida's amazing Space Coast.  The drive here is almost as beautiful as the beach - offering you endless ways to enjoy your leisure and recreation.

Whether you are going on a family beach vacation, leisure travel, business trip, or just a day at the beach, you'll find exactly what you've been looking for in Cocoa Beach and the Space Coast area to make your stay one you'll never forget.

Cocoa Beach is one of the most affordable beach vacations in Florida.  There is never a lack of things to do or see in and around Cocoa Beach.  Besides the fun in the sun, Space Coast offers you the chance to go deep sea fishing or parasailing, try your luck aboard a casino cruise ship, or just take a
river tour and get up close and personal with the awesome wildlife of Florida.

While at Cocoa Beach, you can also visit the Kennedy Space Center, the Brevard Zoo, or spend some time shopping.  You'll be within short driving distance to all of the Orlando attractions, and you can even drive back to Cocoa Beach at night to enjoy dinner in one of the many dining spots on the beach.

When night sets in, you can kick back and enjoy the nightlife on the beach that ranges from cool jazz clubs to beach side cafes.  Then, you can stay the night with perfect accommodations and wake up to a breathtaking sunrise on the beach.

With plenty to offer you and your entire family, Cocoa Beach provides an excellent beach vacation or getaway.  There is plenty to do on the beach, with enough nearby to keep you coming back for more.

Caneel Bay

Caneel Bay of the Caribbean offers what every beach vacation should - beautiful surroundings, luxury service, and gourmet dining.  This exclusive beach resort is nestled within the 5,000 acre Virgin Islands National Park on the island of St. John in the Virgin Islands.

Ideal for beach lovers, Caneel Bay offers seven secluded beaches - Honeymoon Beach, Caneel Beach, Little Caneel Beach, Paradise Beach, Scott Beach, Turtle Bay Beach, and the Hawk's Nest Beach.  The resort is set on its own peninsula and also surrounded by both the Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea.

There are many different things to do here while on your beach vacation, including snorkeling, nature walks, hiking, sailing, kayaking in the sea, wind surfing, scuba diving, and swimming.  You can also order a private massage, take lessons in watercolor, or just sneak away for a picnic.  The resort also offers you a fitness center and 11 outdoor courts for tennis.

The resort of Caneel Bay offers 166 guest rooms and cottages furnished with hand crafted furniture, woven fabrics, natural wood, and native stone.  The guest rooms also offer patios and balconies that overlook the beaches or resort gardens. 

You can dine in several restaurants and bars that range from fine dining to casual meals.  The restaurants include the Turtle Bay Estate House,Beach Terrace, The Equator, Starlight Terrace, and the Caneel Bay Bar.

For those who are looking to work on their beach vacation, Caneel Bay offers a business center complete with computers, high speed internet access, printers, data ports, and even telephones that offer free local calling.

Offering you everything for vacation bliss, Caneel Bay is one place you'll be glad you found. 

Be Part of the Action at Universal Studios Tours

Have you ever dreamed of being on a reality show? Here is your chance! Universal Studios Tours now has Fear Factor Live, which is a stunt show that uses audience volunteers. With three to five shows each day, the chances of getting on the show are pretty good!

Are you ready to face your fears? There are some important things to know about Fear Factor Live at Universal Studios Tours before you sign up. First, this is for real. This is not a cheesy attempt to replicate Fear Factor and please a studio audience. The stunts are very real, and they are performed by audience members just like you. There is no coddling here!

If you still want to participate, simply visit the casting office, which is located near the Terminator ride in the theme park. You must meet certain physical requirements to ensure that you can handle what is about to be asked of you. You must also complete and sign a liability form, holding Universal Studios and Fear Factor harmless of any injuries or damages you may incur.

Before the show begins, some audience members who were not selected to participate are called on stage to face smaller challenges, such as eating various bugs. The winner of the pre-show contest wins great prizes, such as an annual pass to the theme park. This is followed by an audience warm up with the hosts of the show.

The show consists of six contestants that were chosen from the casting office – if your lucky, you might be one of these! They are dressed just as the contestants on the original Fear Factor dress – in tight uniforms. A series of challenges, much like the challenges on Fear Factor are presented to the contestants. Falls from high places, skill tests, and of course, the famous gross-out challenge. During
the show, a random audience member is picked for yet another challenge – such as sticking their head in a tank full of scorpions.

If you’ve ever watched Fear Factor, and told all of your friends that you could handle everything that was thrown at those contestants, be careful. Here is your big chance to prove yourself – or your friends’ chance to prove you wrong! Win or lose, Fear Factor Live at Universal Studios Tours could be the highlight of your visit! If you want to be on the show, visit the casting office as soon as you get to the park to make sure that you meet the physical requirements – and if you don’t meet the requirements, ask about being in the audience.

Popular Cruise Ship Travel Options

When it comes to planning a vacation aboard a cruise ship, many individuals focus their planning solely on their cruise. For many individuals, this can be a costly mistake. While the cruise itself is important, so is how you plan on making it to your vacation.

Unfortunately, a large number of individuals are unaware that they must make travel arrangements to their cruise ship’s departure location. When many individuals become aware of this fact, it is often too late for them to change their mind.  You are encouraged not to be one of those individuals. When booking a cruise, it is important to keep a cruise ship’s departure location in mind.  Doing so may prevent unnecessary travel expenses.

Selecting a cruise ship, with a close departure location, is advisable.  Unfortunately, for many this is impossible.  A limited number of costal locations serve as cruise ship departure ports. If you are unable to find a cruise ship departure location that is within a short distance to your home, you need to consider the cost of travel while booking your reservations.  This cost is important because it may cause your vacation costs to exceed what you had previously expected.

In the event that you must make travel plans to reach your cruise ship departure location, you should consider all options.  These options may include driving your own vehicle, renting a car, flying on an airplane, riding the bus, or taking the train.  All of the foresaid travel methods are doable, but the option you select will likely depend on convenience and the cost of travel.

There are a number of advantages and disadvantage to driving yourself to your cruise ship departure location.  The greatest advantage of doing so is that your travel will be easy. Simply by hopping into your vehicle and hitting the road, you could be on your way.  When driving your own vehicle, planning is often easier. The only downside to driving your own vehicle is the cost of gasoline.  If you are required to drive a long distance, the cost could substantially add up. 

If you are worried about the excessive miles on your own vehicle, you could rent one.  Vehicle rentals are a popular way to reach your designation without an excessive amount of planning.  Unfortunately, the cost of gasoline will also have an impact on driving.  In addition to the cost of gasoline, the length of your cruise may also have an effect on the total cost of renting a vehicle. Vehicle rentals are charged by the day; therefore, if your car rental is left in a parking lot you may be wasting money.

Flying is a popular travel method; however, it can be a costly one.  Individuals trying to reach their cruise ship departure location are often encouraged not to arrive at their destination by airplane, unless absolutely necessary. This is due to the cost of flying.  If your cruise ship departure port is only a few hours a way, air travel may not be the best option.  However, there are some cases where air travel may be the only option.  If you are without your own vehicle, flying may be necessary to reach your cruise ship’s departure location.

Traveling to your cruise ship’s departure location by bus or train are other acceptable travel options.  Each is likely to take some time, but they are both inexpensive ways to travel.  Many individuals can easily afford a bus ticket or a train ticket.  Aside from excessive stops, it is possible that you may not have access to either.  Bus stations and train stations are only available in limited locations.  You may find it difficult or impossible to find a station that offers service to the location of your choice. 

Each of the above mentioned travel methods all have their advantages and disadvantages.  To find the perfect method of travel to reach your cruise ship’s departure location, you should weigh the advantages and disadvantages of each method.  Once you have decided which method best fits your needs, you can rest assure knowing that you will make it on time for your cruise ship’s departure. 

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Amazing New England Coast

Centuries ago, the pilgrims and other explorers that discovered America caught a phenomenal sight in the distance.  Too long at sea, they saw the eastern coastline of North America and they were overwhelmed by its beauty and grace.  Today, most of us first see the actual coast that borders the US continent with the Atlantic Ocean from the land side.  But it is no less stunning from our side as it was from theirs.

For one of those sightseeing trips where you get the feeling you are discovering something for the very first time, a trip up and down the east coast of North America can’t be beat.  Route one from Acadia State park in far northeast Maine all the way down to Cape Cod offers so many out of the way places to discover that your spirit of adventure will definitely be challenged.

One of the most charming things about the coast of Maine and Massachusetts is the little towns that populate that rugged coast line.  As you travel the winding trail of route one you will pass through dozens of fascinating New England towns that will call to you to explore them.  So give in to the call and take some time to enjoy what these seaside communities have to offer.  And don’t overlook those small ocean view diners.  Some of the best seafood that can be had in America will come out of those folksy kitchens.

A popular photo diary of your trip up the coast of New England will include the many lighthouses you will see.  These are not there just for their scenic beauty.  There was a time when these were crucial for the protection of seafaring vassals to keep them from shipwreck in foggy or stormy conditions.  Each one has a story to tell and if you take the tour, you will be transported to a different time full of colorful characters and wonderful adventures as well.  And don’t miss that photograph because the lighthouses are indeed beautiful as they stand majestically against the backdrop of the mighty ocean.

Many of these quaint seaside communities have much to show off to their honored guests so you may find quite charming accommodations along the way.  You can visit the memorials or even current resident towns of several American presidents such as Campobello Island, home of the Roosevelt International Park or Kennebunkport, Maine, current residence of former President George Herbert Walker Bush or Bush 41 as many call him.

Along with great food, wonderful gift shops and great sights to see, it’s easy to find excursions out to sea offered at reasonable prices along the coast of New England.  A whale watching tour can be a real thrill if you are successful in finding the mighty ocean animals ready to surface and thrill a boat load of sightseers.  Keep that camera ready because they can come up at any time and be gone just as fast.  It almost seems like they are showing off as they blow their might columns of spray into the air.  And you know what? They probably are.

In addition to an exciting boat ride out to sea to snap photos of those phenomenal whales, a deep sea fishing trip can scratch the itch for a seafaring adventure for many a landlubber.  In little New England towns like Gloucester, Massachusetts or Ogunquit, Maine, you can join a charter boat that will take you and hour and a half out to sea to drop a line and land some of those beasts that call the Atlantic waters their home.  Be careful about seasickness and be prepared as you see the shoreline disappear and you look around to only the sight of water in all directions.  But store these memories in your sightseeing fond recollections because it will be experience you will not soon forget.

These are just a few of the many fun and fascinating things you will discover up and down the New England Coast.  From the reenactment of a pilgrim village to the chance to take a photo standing next to Plymouth Rock, the mixture of adventure, the out of doors, the spray of the ocean and history guarantee a trip that the whole family will treasure for years to come.  And it will be an outstanding addition to your sightseeing book of memories as you take in the wonderful things to see and do in this amazing country in which we live.

Viva Las Vegas

Las Vegas, Nevada really is a remarkable accomplishment if you think about it.  This fabulous vacation location was literally created from nothing right out of the middle of the desert.  But it has become such a notorious place whose reputation for fun and excitement is legendary. 

To say it isn’t a historic site would be a mistake.  Many of our great cultural icons had important times in Las Vegas.  And some really great movies were filmed with Las Vegas as their backdrop.  Consider the exciting song we used for the title of this article, Viva Las Vegas.  Elvis Presley, one of the great figures of pop culture, loved this town and extolled the excitement that could be found there in song.  Many other great movie and music stars made Las Vegas the site of some of their greatest performances.  One such striking entertainment moment was when Frank Sinatra and hit “rat pack” made the wonderful movie Oceans Eleven in Last Vegas, a movie that has spawned a whole series of movies in modern times staring George Clooney, Brad Pitt and a host of other big stars.

To say that big stars are commonplace in Las Vegas would be an understatement.  And if we are looking for great sites to see, the availability of shows by some of the brightest and the best of Hollywood, Rock and Roll and Broadway are all available in Las Vegas.  For very reasonable prices, you can take time away from your whirlwind schedule of fun and excitement to see some of the best performances you will ever see right there in the casinos along the Las Vegas strip.

Las Vegas has also become synonymous with fast living and “adult” type entertainment.  It’s an outstanding location for a honeymoon or that little get away with your spouse where you might want to enjoy some grown up entertainment without the little ones along.  Don’t feel guilty as you pack the kids off to grandma’s house and you treat you and your wife to a few fun filled days of casino action, luxurious rooms, great food and a nightlife that cannot be beat.  This is the kind of grown up excitement that Las Vegas is known for and you deserve the fun you will have in this town that some have called in jest, “Sin City”.

This is not to say that your stay in Las Vegas won’t be fun or that you have to leave the kids home.  There is plenty to do even if it is just lounging around the pool and relaxing in the Jacuzzi.  The casinos know that many of us want our families to enjoy vacation as much as we do so there is plenty for the kids to do and things you can do as a family together.  Some of the shows like the amazing animal and circus acts can amaze and entertain young and old alike.

You can also take a day and get a tour of this wonderful town and some of the surrounding attractions.  The desert itself can be of great interest to the kids and maybe mom and dad too if you have never visited this kind of natural setting.  There are plenty of tours to surrounding sites but one of the most enjoyable is a tour of the Hoover Dam not far from town.  You can see one of the wonders of modern engineering in how this dam is used to create energy and control the mighty Colorado River.

Las Vegas is just one of so many great sightseeing and vacation sites that are available in this country of such rich diversity.  If the adults enjoy some gambling, the casinos offer many games and entertaining diversions to give you that fun.  And it isn’t true that you will always lose or come out of there a pauper.  It is entirely possible to have great fun at the tables of Las Vegas and still have your vacation travel budget in good shape.  And who knows, you might win a round of Black Jack and be able to treat the family to a steak dinner from your winnings.

The Big Apple

No catalog of the great sight seeing locations around America could ever be complete without mention of one of the most exciting cities in the world to visit and enjoy, the one they call The Big Apple.  New York City has been called The City that Never Sleeps but you will be the one that does not want to sleep once you get there so you can take advantage of every moment in this amazing city to see and do more.

For many people, the mere mention of the words “New York City” is synonymous with one thing and that is Broadway.  This relatively small section of the city contains some of the finest and well known theaters in the world.  The shows that make it big on Broadway commonly become national and international sensations as well.  The stars that stand out in big shows on The Great White Way very often go on to big success in the movies and television work.  The Tony Awards, Broadway’s version of The Academy Awards garner so much attention that they are shown nationally and watched eagerly by millions all around America and the world.

Not many know, however, that great theater is available all over New York, not just on Broadway.  The term “Off Broadway” refers to theatrical productions being shown in other very popular parts of the city such as Soho or Greenwich Village.  Greenwich Village or “The Village” as locals call it, is one of the most eclectic and exciting areas of town for the tourist to explore.  The history of this part of New York includes its famous residents including some of the most renounced figures in the theater, writing, political theory, poets, artists and even political figures.  If you take a tour of Greenwich Village, you will find that almost every building there had a famous resident at one time or another.

But no tour of New York City is complete without spending some time in the famed Central Park.  As you stroll the famous walkways of this delightful green space right in the middle of New York, you will recognize locations that were used in dozens of movies that were filmed right here in Central Park.  This park emphasizes one of the truly great things about New York that makes it distinctive from so many international cities.  And that is that New York is a city that is best experienced on foot.  Using taxies, busses and the subway you can move from section of town to another.  But make sure you put your shoe leather to the sidewalks of New York to genuinely get a feel for the heart and soul of the city.

In addition to the most exciting theater in the world, New York boasts some of the finest museums in the world as well.  So along with the may other great sights you will want to see in New York including the Empire State Building and Grand Central Station, be sure to allow plenty of time for the world class museums that dot the city through out the area they call “Midtown”.  Just off of Central Park, the Metropolitan Museum of Art is the premier museum in the city,   Housing great art form every era of art history you can in the same building see a pharaohs tomb, dresses worn by all the first ladies of our history or stirring modern art by Warhol or Pollack. 

But that one great museum is not the end of great art available in New York.  Other great museums such as the Guggenheim, the Whitney, The Museum of Modern Art and the Museum of Natural History are not only famous but they will astound you as you take them in on your whirlwind visit to The Big Apple.

There is so much to see, hear and taste in New York that you will want to schedule many return visits.  But even though it is one of America’s biggest cities, New York has a charm and an intimacy that seem to reach out to its residents and visitors alike and create a bond with you once you open your heart to this wonderful town.  That is why a great mayor of this town once said, “We are all New Yorkers”.  After your visit there, we think you will count yourself in as a citizen from far away of this exciting place called The Big Apple.

Greatest Beaches in the World

The classic conflict that comes up when the family is voting on the next great vacation outing is, “Should we go to the mountains or the beach?”  Well if you review all that America has to offer, it wont get much easier because we have some of the most exciting mountains and the finest beaches in the whole world right here in the USA.

Maybe world travelers can speak of the great beaches of France or Europe but you don’t have to fly over the ocean to be on some of the best beaches that can be had this side of heaven.  And it stands to reason America would posses some of the most extraordinary and sought after beaches in the world.  With an ocean on three sides of the country, the shores of America’s coast are literally thousands of miles long.  So it isn’t whether America has great beaches but which one to pick that is really a question.

Sometimes we here on the mainland forget that Hawaii is just as much America as Iowa or Massachusetts.  But Hawaii has something very special to offer and that is the finest beaches in the world for swimming, surfing or just laying on the sand soaking up the rays.  The only problem with Hawaii’s beaches is that there is so much to do on the Islands and so much beauty everywhere you look that it is hard to take the time to really enjoy those beaches for all their worth.  But they deserve a big part of your vacation schedule so take advantage of these idyllic beaches which you are enjoying your visit to the islands.

Just a short hop over the ocean to the mainland and you can be on the beaches of California which rival Hawaii’s and, in fact, any beach in the US or around the world.  California has such a long coastline that you can find almost every kind of beach terrain you can think of traveling up and down California’s coast.  Not only that, the colorful and eccentric California population is always a great “people watching” experience as you relax on those beaches, especially on the well known beaches of Los Angeles like Laguna or Venice Beach.

But you don’t have to be left without beach access if you live on the east coast because the shorelines of New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Cape Code and even Maine are just as scenic and picturesque as any the west coast have to offer.  Even in the middle of the hustle and bustle of city life in Boston, there are wonderful beaches nestled right in with the urban build up.  Revere Beach, which lies just north of Boston, is a hidden treasure.  With its long sandy shoreline, it is the delight for many a Massachusetts youth looking for a romantic beach or a place to just get in some good ocean fun.

We cannot end our discussion of great American beaches without mentioning the phenomenal opportunities on both the east and west shores of Florida.  The perfect pure white sands that is as soft as cotton can be found on the west banks of the peninsula that are so pristine that they compare with some of the great beaches of Europe.

So if this summer sneaks up on your family and that battle of “mountain or beach” rears it’s head, you know that you don’t have to settle for the mountains if the family has its heart set on some ocean side fun, some swimming, surfing, sailing and all the other great fun that can be had at one of America’s great beaches.  From the Midwest, you literally have all the beaches we have discussed plus hundreds more that we will leave for you to get out there and discover.  So get out those swim trunks and dust off that snorkeling mask.  America’s top beaches are calling for you.

The Albuquerque Experience

Sometimes a wonderful sightseeing destination gets eclipsed by it’s neighbors.  That is certainly true of the beautiful state of New Mexico.  With big and bold Texas to the east and the well traveled Colorado to the north, many people overlook New Mexico as not only having the best of both of those locations but a very unique culture all its own. 

New Mexico is a state of many geographies.  You can find mountains that you can drive to the top of and enjoy snow in the middle of summer.  But there are desert locations virtually adjacent to those locations that give you the tremendous diversity of setting that a desert state is capable of.  So a driving tour of New Mexico can be a delightful and fulfilling trip full of surprises and new experiences.

The pueblos of the Indian tribes that make their homes in New Mexico tell a story of an ancient people who lived in a manner unlike anything you have ever seen.  You can actually visit active pueblos where Indian families continue to live their native lives in the purity of their ancestors even though they are surrounded by the modern world.  This is both fascinating and an outstanding educational experience for the children because where else can you experience first hand a culture completely unlike our own but thriving right here inside the borders of the United States?

The big cities of New Mexico are full of interesting sites that reflect the unique culture and history of this state.  You will find it tempting to spend your tourist dollars at the many shops that sell unique crafts that use the local gems and the Indian art styles of New Mexico.  You will be able to appreciate how so many have been charmed by that “Sante Fe Style” of art and cuisine.  Perhaps as you get a good exposure to how this architecture and artistic style came into being you will recognize the decorating style in restaurants or other public places in your own town.  It is truly addictive and you will come away a convert as so many have in their trips to New Mexico.

The food of New Mexico is as unique as the people and the art.  The first time you enjoy Wavos Chorizo for breakfast you will find your eyes watering as the hot Mexican style cooking wakes up your mouth with spices that take your taste buds by surprise.  But don’t be surprised when the next day you want a fresh batch along with recipes on how to prepare these taste treats for yourself.

To the north of Sante fe and Albuquerque are the majestic mountains of New Mexico.  It is a closely guarded secret that these mountains offer just as many opportunities for camping, hiking and even skiing as their cousins to the north but the crowds are not nearly as numerous and the prices not as out of control.  A driving tour of those mountains perhaps even with a stop to enjoy some lodging in those hills will be as refreshing as any mountain top vacation you have had anywhere in the country.

New Mexico is a beautiful land full of history and culture.  Yes, you can head south to Los Alamos and see the location where the early tests of the Atomic Bomb were conducted.  This may be both an educational and sobering visit in light of the effects of that research on mankind.  But it is an important part of both American and world history that you will enjoy exposing yourself and your family to while in the area.  But be careful not to ask them about Area 51, that mythological holding area for alien space craft that is supposedly kept somewhere in southern New Mexico.  That inquiry might not be popular in Los Alamos.

In all, your trip to New Mexico can give you a chance to climb mountains, meet a unique and fascinating Native American people, enjoy, and buy, some terrific art works and enjoy one of the most beautiful states in the nation.  Be sure to step out on your patio of your hotel at sunset, as New Mexico is well known for having some of the most beautiful sunsets in the country.  As you watch that breath taking sight you will be able to reflect on the amazing diversity and beauty of America as it is reflected in this, one of its most beautiful states.